Sunday, December 2, 2007

Just a quick note

Not going to say a whole lot, just that I dropped $1137.50 on a season pass to the mountain last week. Yes, $1137.50. That is a lot of of money for someone who doesn't even know how to snowboard yet. But I did go yesterday (12/1/07). By midday I was doing okay. Still wiping out and getting going faster than I was comfortable, but definitely a good bit of improvement from the beginning of the day and the one other time I went a couple years ago. My left butt cheek is pretty sore from catching my back edge, and my neck is a bit stiff from one pretty nasty bust. I also fell and ran into a dude once. But all in all, a lot of fun, and I'm excited about getting better.

Love and miss you all. Love all the pictures.